A downloadable rpg fantasy game

this game is in early stages  

ill update the game download with the latest version as a devolpe the game shareing the game and telling freinds about it would mean alot and help out a ton 

anyways thats all for now have a good day

new update comeing soon vary soon 5  new areas aswell as the games 1st boss 

the boss of corse will have a vary epic looking boss room

-update is now out  changes include compleate redisgine of the map and towns 

added manny small details and the 1st boss is in the game now  in most of the towns the buildings have insides now so you can check those out anyway the download for the update is below

if you have any issues or questions leave a commnent and ill respond as soon as i can 

the boss arena will be given more detail in the next update
the  bosses stats are kinda out of wack so ill ajust it as needed

note ive been working hard on this this game was made in rpg maker vx ace lite and contains a fruit looking game icon in the folder if you know what that is then i ask dont edit the game then repost it as your own  if you want to remix the game and repost ask me first thats my only wish for you remixers out thare 

also thanks for checking out this game


void project-update map revamp.zip 86 MB
void project-20220901T233622Z-001.zip 87 MB
void project-version2.0 indev - Copy.zip 86 MB

Install instructions

all you need to do is download the folder ope it and open the the file called game and

you can begin

Development log

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